Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I have always been afraid of fire and water. This is kind of crazy, since you need water to put out a fire. I don't mean the drinking water, I mean bodies of water. I once read in a book about a fire in a town and the people of the town went to a pond to stay out of the fire. I have often wondered if I would be able to go to the pond.

For years I have been afraid to burn candles in my house; fearing that I would have to put out a fire. Don't get me wrong, I have had several candles in my house, but I have not burned them. They smell wonderful and are very pretty.

Recently I got a job with a candle company, For Every Body. In February, we went live with a home party division. For Every Home has the most amazing candles. They are soy-based and filled with fragrant wax. I started burning candles in January and I am hooked! My favorite fragrances are Papaya Mango, Garden Salad, and Cherry Marble Mocha.

What are your thoughts on candles? Do you have a favorite brand and/or fragrance you love? Let me know!